Friday 4 November 2016


Image result for CHIA SEED


 Chia seed adalah biji berminyak yang dilengkapi dengan asam lemak esensial omega-3. Sebagai salah satu sumber nabati terkaya dari omega-3 dan asam alpha-linolenic, chia seed merawat  berbagai penyakit. Chia seed melawan radikal bebas, mengurangi peradangan dan menurunkan kolesterol.

-mengandungi 5 kali ganda kalsium berbanding susu.
- 7 kali vitamin C berbanding orange.
-3kali ganda zat besi berbanding sayur sayuran.
- 2 kali ganda kadungan potassium berbanding pisang.
-8kali ganda omega 3 berbanding ikan salmon.

khasiat chia seed:

1.meningkatkan tenaga.

Image result for gif iam strong

2.anti penuaan.

Image result for gif i'm pretty

3.membantu mengurangkan masalah radang sendi.

Image result for gif oldman

4.bantu loss weight.

food eating kim kardashian mean girls losing weight

5.mengawal paras gula dlm darah.

6.cegah kanser.


7.tingkatkn memori.

smart clever

8.baik untuk kesihatan rambut,kulit dan kuku.

mariah carey hair flip woohoo flipping hair i love my amazing work

berminat? boleh beli dia instagram @naivevmy atau walk in. 

Monday 12 September 2016


Berbuat baik, makan makanan yang berkahsiat serta bersenam dapat membantu anda memperoleh penampilan menawan. Saya selalu amalkan berjalan selama 40 minit, hanya dengan muzik dari iPod kemudia berjalan, ia mampu membuat diri rasa sihat. Sekiranya saya penat, saya akan oleskan gincu dan cat kuku saya dengan rona ungu! Itu sudah cukup untuk mengembalikan mood yang baik!”

Aktres dan selebriti Hollywood yang sinonim dengan watak Hermione Granger dalam filem bersiri Harry Potter ini memang sentiasa tampil menawan apabila melalui  karpet merah.

Pilihan fesyennya serta gaya mekapnya tidak pernah silap. Emma Watson sentiasa tampil elegan dan tanpa menenggelamkan usianya yang masih muda. Aktres yang bakal muncul dalam filem adaptasi Beauty and the Beast ini juga sering dilihat tampil dengan warna hitam putih namun tidak pernah membosankan sebaliknya fesyen pilihannya membuatkan gayanya tampak chic dan effortless.

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Ini antara tips yang Emma Watson kongsikan :
1. Sekiranya ada kesan comot kala memalit maskara, ambil satu bebola kapas dan celupkan sedikit bedak asas untuk memadamnya dan dalam masa yang sama ia mampu melitupi cela.
2. Disebabkan rambut saya agak pendek sekarang, saya lebih selesa menggunakan cekak rambut. Antara kegemaran saya adalah cekak rambut halus berwarna hitam, mudah untuk saya gayakan ke mana-mana.
3. Baru-baru ini ada jurusolek memakaikan penggaris bibir rona asli pada bibir saya dan saya amat menyukainya malah ia membuat bibir tampil sihat.
4. Dahulu saya bukanlah jenis yang suka memakai gincu kerana bimbang saya akan mencomotkan penampilan. Namun kini gincu adalah keperluan bagi saya untuk menyuntik elemen segar pada wajah!
5. Kalau anda tidak mahu jatuh sakit, pastikan anda mengambil makanan tambahan seperti Vitamin, ia sebenarnya dapat melindungi anda dari sebarang jangkitan.

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Saturday 18 June 2016



High life expectancy, low crime rate, less warfare, lower chance of al Qaeda attacking. - GreaterEmpire1
The most perfect guarantee of individual life and social welfare. Do you think other Asian countries have the same quality? Never!
Asian version of New York. But has way more sushi.
Japan is the best!

Many beautiful spot and hidden paradise
Nice beaches nice place nice people.. A very free coutry... All of the people here understands and speaks english.. Very good!
Philippines is the best country to move in to Asian countries since all foreigners are welcomed with high hospitality value, you will be easy able to live in with your new Filipino neighbors since we Filipinos treat everyone with respect. Filipino people are very happy, cheery, religious and contented people, we aren't materialized people but just with respect, you can get their hearts. It's also affordable to first live in the Philippines. It is also a free country. Filipino people are very proud that they are the THIRD LARGEST GROUP OF English SPEAKERS in the world after the United States and the United Kingdom so it is very applicable for foreigners who can speak English to easily adjust with the Filipino culture!
Visit Philippines and you would know. Why it is the best Asian country to visit to.

Korea Should be ranked on the 2nd next to Japan.M+52
Low crime rates, great weather (four seasons), various activities to try out, beautiful mountains and scenery, great public transportations, delicious food, comfortable homes, outstanding economy, crazy nightlife, has the one of the best amusement parks, Korean people have "ì •" (jeong) which is a human nature for compassion and sentiment to fellow being.

One of the safest and most exciting places to live in!M+30
Modernised central city and amazing food! Who can resist the temptation of korean food definitely not me!M+40
I love South Korea, I will to go there

Full independence n freedom. High human values in several areas and... But corruption making people frustrated..M+40
A democratic country which we can feel full freedom when compared to other countries..
Incredible India...
Proud to be an Indian!M+38
India is currently an awful country to live in. It is filled with corruption, illegal child labour, corrupt and rich government officials, people working for an unbelievable amount of hours, like 80 hours a week, and a massive need for toilets. What the heck is the point of democracy if there are so many cons in living in India? The poverty in this country is the reason why people migrate to Western countries like Britain.

However, it has the potential to be a country similar to Western ones and will probably have a stronger economy than most western countries in the future, but at the moment has no right to be in the top tens in this list.M+15
Because of its democracy and diversity in the worldM+32
Good Place to live. Its democratic and believes in ancient values

Republic of China was established in 1912. After the Chinese Civil War (1949), the Chinese government relocated to Taiwan. Its capital was originally Nanjing but now it's Taipei. Mandarin is the most spoken language.
Taiwan is small and the people are friendly and have smiles on their faces all the time even when they are busy and is extremely healthy and comfortable to see when you are just about to go out to work. There is absolutely no need to cook food at home because the foods are cheap outside and are heavenly delicious! Also in the morning, if you live close to a hill/mountain, you can walk up to the top and see the beautiful view just before the day starts and relax your feelings and settle your mind down, good for physical and emotional health. Crime rate is low and is very safe and relaxing to live in Taiwan, moving to Taiwan as a retirement is a good idea as things are cheap and convenient stores are everywhere and opened 24/7.M+25
I lived there for 14 years, started 4 businesses, married a Taiwanese, and now we live in Michigan and plan on moving back because we have a child and want the child to grow up in a better society than USA. America is boring, lonely and the society is disintegrating.M+28
It's great! I have lived here for 18 years. The health care system is awesome. Affordable for the poor and high quality. At least better than Canada! The insurance is based on your salary. 100% of the citizens are insured. Of course it is a bit crowded, but I love the food, people and the culture. People are friendly and polite. People here enjoy the freedom of speech and religion. Great place to enjoy freedom!M+6
It's a great place

Mongolia is like the Switzerland of Asia. It has amazing landscapes, and among the few countries where the horses outnumber humans. Agriculture is popular, and highly valued, and yet there are less illiterate people living in Mongolia, then there are in America. Economically this country is a great place to live in.M+16
It's very beautiful I love this country and its very cool things to see I like it god bless brave mongolia - HeyitsjennaaaaM+15
Beautiful landscape, the only country with wild horsesM+15
PEaceful rural landscape. Heaven on Earth if you can abdicate all material stuff from big metropolis.

Singapore, officially the Republic of Singapore, and often referred to as the Lion City, the Garden City, and the Red Dot, is a global city and sovereign state in Southeast Asia and the world's only island city-state.
An outstanding economy along with one of the cleanest environments I've seen. The crime rates there are incredibly low and last I heard, Singapore was one of the most expensive Countries in the world. Don't underestimate the Country's small size, it's pretty tough.M+25
A beautiful country where safety and security are no concern. The standard of living too is high here. It's the perfect place for anyone and everyone!M+23
I have been there the country is all an awesome cityM+18
The most expensive city in the world (2016). You get what you pay, if you can afford it...

8.CHINAChina, officially the People's Republic of China, is a sovereign state in East Asia. It is the world's most populous state, with a population of over 1.381 billion. It was established in 1949. Its capital is Beijing. The other major cities are Hong Kong and Shanghai. Chinese (Mandarin) is the only official more.
China has Great potential in economy and political influence. From South to north, it shows very diverse culture and customs.

Xiamen is a very competitive city in living standard. Beijing is the centre of Chinese culture. Besides that, Hong Kong has wonderful shopping malls and is a financial centre in Asia-pacific. Shanghai is a growing financial city with both ancient and modern architecture.

Food is utmost. Four kinds of different styles of dishes in China could meet the requirement of different people.M+6
Officials all corrupted, disrespectful people and peeing with the door open, not flushing the toilet what the heck?! How did it get above Singapore and Taiwan
China will teach you new things. Forget what you think you know. Go and see the land and meet the people. You will walk away with a love for the country.
Salty, jealous people are the only haters of the Chinese.

Malaysia is a Southeast Asian country occupying the Malaysian Peninsula and part of the island of Borneo. It's known for its beaches, rain forests and mix of Malay, Chinese, Indian and European influences. The sprawling capital, Kuala Lumpur, is home to colonial buildings, busy shopping districts such more.
Cause when you're in any Asian country you feel relaxed peaceful well I'm a Malaysian and I don't think Malaysia is a bad place to live cause there are a lot of funny people, weird and crazy-like yet nice people well I think every countries have weird and crazy-like yet nice in their country... But Malaysia IS the BEST COUNTRY TO LIVE IN YEAH!M+23
Malaysia will develop fast and high in future.M+31
I'm from Mongolia. Honestly, I'm jealous with Malaysia because their country is beautiful, net, nice and civilized. This country full of excitement and natural beauty natural environment. I ever travel to Malaysia. I go to Petronas Twins Tower.. And WOW!... It's AMAZING AND FANTASTIC!... I want to travel to Malaysia again... Thanks You!M+13
Yes everything is true! We also got a humble leader and so kind, honest and cheerful

10. UAE 
One of the worst countries in the world. Too much discrimination. Natives think they're god. No exaggeration. Once all oil is gone, this country will be left with lots of mindless people. Shouldn't be on the map. Worthless crap. No offense, just my opinion and experience.M+2
The UAE is the place where people are happy and satisfied living there and provided with all healthcare treatment, sport clubs, adorable natural features, amusement places and have the wonders of the world. Really the best place to live where you have all the comforts. - slow-motionM+5
There are some really cool and beautiful places there.M+1
I've wanted to go But I am a mix of American-Hungarian-Romanian-German-Russian-Polish-British-English

Friday 3 June 2016

How To Set A Youtube Thumbnail?


Hi and Assalamualaikum guys! so for today I wanna share 
you how to set a youtube thumbnail?? so for the first time I am being a youtuber,I am so confuse,"how they're did a
 beautiful display(i meant the thumbnail, i don't know that 
name).so, i DM sabrina tajudin on instagram how to make it. and she replied and ask me to search "how to make youtube  thumbnail ?" and now i know it! so let's we start!

1-log in your youtube channel.
2-click your channel.

3-click video manager above your channel.
4-click channel.
5-click status and features.
6-click verify my account and ANSWER what they're ask.
7-turn on good community
8-turn on custom thumbnail

and we're are done. share this post if i'ts helping!

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Launching My A New Blog!

 Hye and Assalamualaikum.

Thank You support me to blogging. Not To Forget,You guys gave me a million love on instagram that you had DM me.
I Decided to make A new blog cause I forget the password of my current Blog after i am not posting any article till now.

What I want to posting?
-I will post all about Lifestyle. Which is about Make Up,Tips,
Food Recipes,Exercise And Others.

I also did a youtube channel. You can visit! @imakhairy.
Don't forgot to tell this blog/youtube  to your bestfriend. I will post only On Saturday Or During School Holiday.


My name is Nurul Hikmah binti Zulhairi. You can call me as IMAKHAIRY or NURUL. I am a young youtuber and blogger. I am 14 Years Old. I am live in Shah Alam Selangor. It was a Beautiful City.